Our team working in our busy architectural studio

About us

We are passionate advocates for sustainable architecture. With each project, we strive to minimise our ecological footprint, harnessing the power of renewable resources, and integrating eco-conscious technologies to create environmentally responsible designs.

Where we Started

We we’re established in 2004 to create environments that people can live, work and play in. Our architectural approach has a sensitivity to the natural world and developing sustainable solutions for the future generations.

Quis nulla vestibulum elementum quis arcu adipiscing justo. Gravida fringilla sem pharetra, blandit malesuada dapibus morbi ultrices.


Our Approach

Our architectural approach is rooted in a deep appreciation for the natural world and a dedication to building sustainable solutions for future generations.

We believe that great design should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also serve a higher purpose – creating spaces that enhance the quality of life while minimising our impact on the environment.

Our team working in our busy architectural studio
Our team working in our busy architectural studio

Our Experience

With a dedicated team of experienced architects, designers, and professionals, Avida brings a wealth of expertise to every project. Our team, which has grown over the years, is composed of creative minds who share a passion for innovative design and sustainable architecture.



Forest Edge contemporary property nestled at the edge of a pristine forest

How we Work

At Avida, we take a methodical and client-centric approach to every project, ensuring that our designs reflect your unique vision and requirements. Our process is built on clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence. Here’s how we work:


We begin by getting to know you and your project inside out. We believe in the power of your vision and aim to understand your goals, aspirations, and specific needs.




With a deep understanding of your vision and project parameters, our team engages in creative brainstorming sessions. We explore various design concepts that align with your goals and values.




Our expert architects and designers translate the approved design concept into detailed architectural drawings and plans. These documents form the foundation for construction.




Our experienced project managers oversee the construction phase, ensuring that the design is executed to perfection, on time, and within budget.



Our Leadership Team

Amelia Collier

Creative Director

Nulla ut vulputate turpis. Sed interdum, nisi ac accumsan vestibulum, felis dolor fermentum arcu, vel blandit risus enim in tortor. Quisque non ex elementum, malesuada nisi eget, blandit ex. Etiam nisi quam, convallis eget leo eget, mattis sodales ligula. Nam non odio est. Proin eleifend eget diam eu aliquam. Nunc quis dolor sodales, ornare nisl nec, venenatis ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus sed risus semper, efficitur ante eget, semper nulla. Proin eleifend sodales velit, et tincidunt metus ornare a. Suspendisse sit amet tortor egestas, ultrices ex id, ullamcorper tellus. Nunc eu vulputate leo.

Irene Green

Managing Director

Vestibulum bibendum consequat egestas. Donec feugiat a elit et dapibus. Mauris hendrerit at arcu a pellentesque. Ut pellentesque metus nec quam vestibulum ornare. In id augue euismod, dictum ante vel, interdum erat. Ut vestibulum aliquet mauris eu auctor. Mauris imperdiet suscipit posuere. Nam porttitor eget nisi bibendum porttitor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis sem orci, lobortis in quam ut, lacinia aliquam odio. In at fermentum ex, non viverra orci. Phasellus tortor nisl, scelerisque eget vehicula non, consectetur id nunc.

Paul Hall

Finance Director

Aenean nec justo at mauris aliquet facilisis ut et ipsum. Aenean in sapien at tortor auctor gravida. Vestibulum malesuada arcu ullamcorper nisl accumsan iaculis. Sed sapien tortor, blandit eu malesuada a, laoreet a lorem. Vestibulum varius ex eu turpis fringilla eleifend. Mauris eu enim placerat, elementum neque ut, viverra enim. Donec molestie, purus ut volutpat fringilla, purus est cursus leo, vel euismod enim mauris nec mauris. Fusce tortor metus, venenatis iaculis suscipit ut, eleifend sit amet nibh. Praesent ut sapien dui. Donec id pellentesque metus. Nulla ut viverra neque, ac pharetra elit.

What our Clients say

“Sunset Ridge has changed our lives. Not only is it a stunning architectural masterpiece, but it’s also incredibly energy-efficient. Avida delivered beyond our expectations, and we’re proud to call this sustainable marvel our home.”

James & Emily Anderson

Our Projects

Our projects are more than just structures; they are testaments to our commitment to harmonious living with the environment. Each residential property reflects our unwavering dedication to innovative design, sustainable technologies, and a deep respect for nature.

Sunset Ridge contemporary property set against the backdrop of rolling hills and panoramic vistas